Wednesday, January 04, 2006

I've Got a Girlfriend

This is Pippy. Isn't she hot? Right now we are just internet dating - we haven't actually met, but she's been pursuing me for a while now (she's even commented on here!). Now that I am hitting puberty, I notice her silky white coat. Mommy laughs at me and says "Poor loverboy - won't be long until you are a loverit!" I'm not sure what that means, but it doesn't sound good.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

I'm a Slacker!

It's been a month since I last posted! Well, you type with stubby, hairy toes on your paws! It's a bitch hitting the space bar with my dewclaw!

I just got finished with 7 nights of incarceration (read: kennel) while Mommy and Daddy LEFT ME to go to Canada. I do have some pre-Christmas pictures to post in the next couple of days.

I'm just THRILLED to be home!

Friday, November 25, 2005

Attack of the Little Dogs Part II

We had Sampson over again on Thanksgiving night. I wasn't allowed to go over to Papaw's because of how much I bug (dainty) Aunt Moo Moo. She just doesn't appreciate puppy play since she is so old at 2 years. I'm cuter anyways!

Anyways, Sampson and I fought a lot again - and we were a whole lot rougher! We had to be separated A LOT. For a bit we were content to just chew our (read: MY) bones together, but I think his was better so I kept trying to get it. The bone is always juicy in the other dog's mouth!

I also have decided that I am part cat. I like to sit behind people or on their shoulders. It's a much better view of the world!

That's all from me for now. I went to the vet's today for my distemper shot and it made me awfully sleepy. My official weight is 7.1 lbs. I haven't gained much in height, more in girth (I am muscular, thank you very much!). Tomorrow is my second puppy school class. Let's see what that dumb-as-a-post Baby Boy Blue does this week!

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Attack of the Little Dogs

Hello, everyone! I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while, but we've been busy with people coming over (to see ME, of course!) and taking lots of walks.

First, some stats: I am now about 13 weeks old and have grown from just over 5 lbs to 7.5 lbs. I've been told that I am hilariously funny and I LOVE to play.

Last night, I made a new friend. Uncle Tracy brought over his son, Samson. Check out that guy's hair! I made sure he stayed away from the electric sockets because his hair was a fright enough already!

At first, I didn't know what to make of him. I mean, he's my size, but a lot of that is hair. It's neat to meet someone I can play with though ... I met the neighbors earlier in the day and they could have eaten me in one bite (a lab and a German Sheppard)

We played nonstop for hours though. He was my wrestling buddy - even if he does look like a sissy dog. A couple of times we had to be separated because we were getting too rough, but for the most part, we just tackled and tried to flip each other over.

We did finally get really tired. He had to work harder then I did since he couldn't figure out how to walk on the laminate flooring and kept having his back legs slide out beneath him. We had great fun and the humans laughed all the time. I hope he comes over again.

In a couple of hours I am heading to something called "school". Apparently they are going to teach me stuff there, like "come", "sit", "stay" .... haha ... I know that stuff already, kind of, but only do it when *I* feel like it!

Until next time!

Monday, November 07, 2005

I'm Evil, but I'm Cute

First, I'd like to thank everyone who has responded on my blog. I just want to assure you that I read each and every one.

Second, I taught Mommy a lesson today. Daddy's on his way back from South Carolina today (and mentioned something about shooting me to Mommy?), so this was directed at her. What was I supposed to think? She took Friday off of work so we had 3 days of attention and bonding and fun stuff and then all of a sudden she tells me she has to go some place called "work". She lets me out and all that jazz in the morning and then shuts me in the bathroom. She came home at lunch, but didn't stay long and then got home again around 6. She was only here for half an hour again (and wasn't paying attention to me for some of that time!) before heading out again to a neighbor's house. What's with that? (And, as an aside, what is with the radio station in my bathroom playing Christmas songs for the song evening in a row?)

So I left her a present for when she came back. She opened the door to my once full water dish flipped over with water all over the floor and the discovery that I have found how to get toilet paper off the roll! But ... but .... it was great fun! Silly Mommy forget to take a picture, so you will just have to take my word for it that there was soggy, chewed toilet paper everywhere!

Sunday, November 06, 2005

My weekend

Even though I've already posted today, I thought I better update on my weekend, since Mommy's already been asked a couple of times.

Last week, I had my first bath. I didn't mind it so much - the water was in the tub all ready and the humans kept praising me and petting me. Attention is always good! I guess they decided that I needed a bit deeper clean and also that my nails needed clipping, so yesterday my buddy Platy (the Platypus) and I hopped into the car and headed to PetSmart for the puppy grooming package.

Don't I look handsome! They gave me a shampoo, massage, blowdry, clipped my nails and cleaned my ears - plus gave me this nice blue bandana that I don't mind wearing. I smelled pretty good too ... although after today, I've lost that freshly cleaned dog smell.

Today, I looked out the window and saw how much the trees were losing their leaves. Our yard was a mess ... pretty .. but a mess! I told Mommy to hurry up - we had work to do.

I was right! There were leaves everywhere! With Daddy gone for the weekend with Papaw and Uncle Tony, I had no choice but be the man of the house.

Woman! Get to work - I'm much too little to operate this rake. I'll just have to supervise!

I tested the piles - which, of course, could only be accomplished by running smack dab through them - and they seemed sufficiently high. I ran through a lot of piles and almost got lost a couple of times. I also thought it was a lot of fun when Mommy blew leaves at me with the leaf blower.

Whew! I'm tired - I worked like a dog!

Hi, My Name Is Kodiak

Hi, my name is Kodiak. You've probably heard all about me on my mommy's blog. She decided to start one for me:

1. because it would be interesting to have comparisions of my growing up all in one place; and

2. because conversations have become "Hey, how's Kodiak? He's getting so big ... (etc, etc ... until 5 minutes later) oh, and I hear that you both lost your jobs, your house burned down, you were in a car accident and you burnt your toast .. how are you?"

I'm a little Jack Russell / Heeler (? no one is sure ..) mix who was born in the shelter. I'm 11 weeks old and weigh just under 6 lbs. My human parents saw me at PetSmart last week and couldn't find it in them to leave me there.

So far I am settling in fairly well. Mommy and Daddy finally have taken their jaws off the floor over how I have only had one little accident in the house (and they are pretty sure it was because Daddy fell asleep one night and I didn't know how to tell him that I needed to go out). I'm pretty good on chewing and only fuss for about 5 minutes when I am put in my room (bathroom) or my crate. Sometimes, I just give a deep sigh and not even bother putting up a stink.

I went to the vet this week and do have a very common virus that I probably got at the shelter. I'm on medication and should be all better in a week.

Well, I have to go do what I do a lot of - NAP! I'll update you more later.